Asie(A-J,K-Z) , Europe(A-L,M-Z) , Afrique(A-G,K-M,N-Z) , Amérique , Océanie , Carte Routière , ma Histoire du Voyage , email , Accueil
la Galerie de l'Argentine
Est , Ouest , Augentina'99
La quiaca - Jujuy / a scene from a bus travel
Mendoza suburbs / Bodega Toso (winery)
Mendoza / Church
Old Mendoza / Ruins of San Francisco Church
L’Aconcagua / the highest mountain (6960m) in America
Puente del Inca (Inca's Bridge) / a naturl bridge
look at the size of a man who is on the right end of the road.
Border with Chike