Asie(A-J,K-Z) , Europe(A-L,M-Z) , Afrique(A-G,K-M,N-Z) , Amérique , Océanie , Carte Routière , ma Histoire du Voyage , email , Accueil
la Galerie de Vanuatu
Efate Is.'96 , Efate Is.'05 , Tanna Is.
Tanna Is.
Tanna Is. / Man riding on horse
Kastam village / Ignition
I choice to go not Major village but Minor village.
Kastam village / Men attache a Penis sack "Nambas"
Kastam village / cute gile
Kastam village / Traditional dance "Kastam dance"
Port resolution / going to hot-spring spot by the outrigger.
Port resolution / Hot-spring water
Volcano Yasur / Volcanic eruption
Here is the most close place to a crater in the world.
Volcano Yasur / Great volcanic eruption
Although it has erupted once in several minutes, the Big volcanic eruption explodes at once a hour.
Volcano Yasur / Isiwi fall