Gallery R.D.Congo
North, Central, East, Uvila**, Goma**, Butembo**, Beni**, Home stay in Beni**, Pigmy**
Wagenia near Kisangani / fishery of the Zaire river
Wagenia near Kisangani / mongomongo
River Zaire : Ubundu-Kindu / bar in the village
River Zaire : Ubundu-Kindu / the ship which carries beer (I took this for 6 days)
River Zaire : Ubundu-Kindu / village children on the ship
Kindu / the train (I took this train for 4 days, but the operation was stopped)
local peoples get on with the board for a seat.
Kabalo / brewing
Kabalo / Milling
I had to stay at general's house for 10 days because the train was broken.