Kunduz is a city in northern Afghanistan, the capital of Kunduz Province. It is linked by highways with Mazari Sharif to the west, Kabul to the south and Tajikistan's border to the north.
Pol-e Khomri (Puli Khumri or Pul-i-Kumri) is a city in northern Afghanistan. It is the capital of Baghlan Province.
Kunduz / Children
Kunduz / A carriage
Kunduz / Tank & people
Kunduz / Children at an orphanage of Korean N.G.O.
Kunduz / Bazar
Pol-e-Khomri(Pulkumri) / Taxi park
Pol-e-Khomri / Lunch
Pol-e-Khomri / Village
near Pol-e-Khomri / Watermelons